How often can I inject Botox and its analogues

Botulinum toxic drugs for beauty are a unique phenomenon in cosmetology when a person turned the harm of poison into an incredible benefit for patients in hospitals and beauty salons. The ability of botulinum toxin to block muscles annually saves thousands of hospital patients from spasms, strabismus, and more, and gives millions of cosmetologist clients a chance to get rid of facial wrinkles. Today we’ll talk about Botox as the most famous representative of this category, about why it is needed, and how often you can inject Botox so as not to harm.

Botox - “killer weapon” from facial wrinkles

Botox has long been understood by the people as the common name for a group of injectable drugs made on the basis of highly purified botulinum toxin type A. This organic poison, formed by bacteria by clostridia under anaerobic conditions, occurs in everyday life when the technology of preserving meat or fish products is disrupted. A particular danger of the toxin is its large quantity and its effect only with untimely medical assistance since the action of the poison leads to neuroparalytic lesions, respiratory arrest and death.

Nevertheless, in that clearly calibrated and negligible dosage in which it is used in medicine and cosmetology, botulinum toxin is able to have a pronounced therapeutic and anti-aging effect due to temporary paralysis of a certain muscle group. Once in the tissue, botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses and leads to complete relaxation of the muscles of a certain area of ​​the face, which helps relieve spasms and smooth even the deepest wrinkles. Botox injections will be especially relevant for dynamic wrinkles formed by active facial expressions when a person frowns, looks down, wrinkles his nose, laughs, and so on.

Once in the tissue, the substance does not act immediately, but after a few days, necessary for the muscles of the face to completely relax. The external effect of South Korean Botulax manifests itself in 14 days, in the French drug Dysport a week earlier, but the duration of the result is less. In turn, the American Botox from Allergan concern begins to act even later but differs in a more prolonged effect.

Where and how often can Botox be injected?

Injections of Botox and its analogs are carried out exclusively in a specialized clinic or salon under the guidance of an experienced cosmetologist.

Botulinum therapy will help to cope with:

  • horizontal lines and vertical wrinkles on the forehead;
  • crow's feet in the corners of the eyes;
  • wrinkles on the nose;
  • facial wrinkles around the mouth;
  • longitudinal wrinkles on the neck.

The duration of Botox is from 3 to 12 months, after which the toxin decomposes into separate fractions and is excreted naturally. Accordingly, the answer to the question of how often Botox can be injected will not be unambiguous for all patients.

Injections are recommended to be done every six months, taking into account the characteristics of a particular organism, the rate of metabolic processes in tissues, and the severity of the damage.

You can do botulinum therapy earlier with:

  • accelerated metabolism, if the substance is removed from the tissue faster than usual;
  • intense sports or facial loads, after which botulinum toxin is stored in tissues for up to 2 months;
  • having an active daily facial expression of the face of the profession (actors, TV presenters), accelerating metabolic processes;
  • the hereditary propensity for early aging.

With regular botulinum therapy, a person gets used to using facial expressions more restraints, so wrinkles appear in smaller numbers and not so quickly. Accordingly, the need for frequent “piercing” disappears. Muscles seem to "accustom" to a more relaxed facial expression.

Of course, the final decision on how often Botox is injected is made by the doctor, proceeding, first of all, from the indications and characteristics of the body, and then from the patient’s wishes.